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Let me be the first to say - Happy new demo launch! And also the first to say thank you so much for adding in the "Secrets" to the preferences, I appreciate not having to look far for quality tips and hints


Now that I've had a chance to play through, I must say, everything looks gorgeous! The updated backgrounds and sprites are beautiful, and when you mentioned new sprites for NPCS, I wasn't expecting so many! Massive kudos to your artists for all of their hard work. And also to the voice team, all of whom have done a fantastic job. All in all this is a much more polished, cohesive version of a demo I already loved, and gives me a lot of enthusiasm for the eventual finished product! Thanks to the whole team for sharing!


💖💖💖 Thank you! The entire team is thrilled that folks seem to be enjoying the update :D


the first update is almost upon us, very exciting!


I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH :'D all the characters are so amazingly made and ugh...I love the king so much TT__TT (Robin should rename themselves to Loki xD)


Quite enjoyed the demo! Looking forward to the full game.


This may sound like a dumbass question, but I can't find it anywhere in the game. Is there a way to save/load without restarting a chapter?


There doesn't seem to be another way, it's not even mentioned in the game controls :'(


So excited for the full release, this games is so intriguing and beautiful and exciting! Not only that but is so well written????! It is also very fun to "Learn" their language. All love and support for the developers S2

i mean whats the password?


You acquire the password by making a specific choice in the demo! Hint: That choice happens toward the end of chapter four, and impacts chapter five. You'll need to go hunting in your game files and decode some things afterwords, though!

If you need more help, you could always ask the folks on our Discord:


uhhh guys? how do i get the password? im soooo confused


It's FILLEADH AS AN NUA , in case you and everyone else is wondering. Kind of find it very annoying when games make things so hard to figure out, so here's the answer for everyone else who hates these kinda things.




I am so excited about the release of the first routes. Everything about the demo is mesmerising: the soundtrack, the character design, the art and the storytelling. I am particularly interested in the political, anti-colonialist/anti-imperialist aspects and the folklore but am also already intrigued by the stories of all the love interests. Also, as a non-binary person myself, I am pleased to bits to see that both the main character and some of the love interests are non-binary. Thank you for making this game. I can hardly wait for the moment I get to learn more about Shae, Robin, Aífe, Flannán, Keagan and Maeve and discover the ways in which the Seelie and Unseelie propaganda will affect my emotions and ideas about the two courts. I also cannot help but be fascinated by Daonna's past. Who are they? Where did they come from? What did they want? Where did they go and why? Are they gone for good or do they plan to return? (I know you can't answer these questions, nor do I expect you to, I just mean that this is what I would particularly like to find out when I play the game). 


So, I'm a girl and I changed the pronoun "they/them" to "she/her" in settings, but still all characters continue to say "they/them" when talking about me so I stop reading it. It's very disrespectful, you know. I don't want others to call me "they" when I'm a female. Please fix this bug in the game, then I'll go on reading. Thanks


Hello! We included this information in the description of our demo, but the pronoun discrepancy is story-related at the moment. Right now, the characters all believe that the MC/protagonist is a different, but identical-looking person named Daonna. Daonna uses they/them pronouns. When the full game comes out, and the MC/protagonist is granted the opportunity to clarify the mix-up, characters will use your chosen pronouns. We apologize for any distress this may have caused.


Can I just say that Flannán is literal fire!! When will the full game be released? I cannot wait to play his route firstly, and then all the others. The story is great! I love that it captures your interest from the get go! I love that the MC gets thrown into a whole different world and has to figure things out. The art is beautiful as well. Robin is annoying, but I think all the other characters are interesting and well written. I'm looking forward to playing it! 


Hi! Apologies for the delayed response, and thanks for playing the demo! The full game is currently in development, but the first two routes should be ready to play in 2024. We plan to progressively release the routes two at a time until the game's completion :)


It took five years, but I finally worked out the password. I kept messing up translating, but I finally did it. I am satiated for now. Love the game.


Had a TON of fun with the demo of NDM and am very excited to see the full game in its entirety! I love the Irish mythology inspiration and the character designs! It's such a pretty game. <3

Hi! I love this game so far! I was trying to follow everyone's advice on finding the password but I've received an exception error? I'm on Mac so there is no folder for me to check, can someone help me please? ;-; 

(2 edits)

Hi, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that you encountered. May we ask for the exact computer model and OS system version on which you are trying to run the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries! I've taken a screenshot of the details. :) Idk why it's so big sorry haha

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for info! For MacOS, you should be able to access the game folder by right-clicking > Show package content > Contents > Resources > autorun > game. The hint you are looking for will appear in one of the subfolders after you make a certain choice in a certain chapter.  We have a bit of difficulty reproducing the errors you are encountering, though by the look of it, the game might be missing some app permissions it needs for creating new files within the game folder. If you by chance have removed these permissions, restoring them back to default should be able to help. Alternatively, you can also try to move or reinstall the game from our or Steam into a less restrictive location; your game progress should be safe as long as you secure/backup your saves in ~/Library/RenPy/{game_directory} (which might be hidden and can only be accessed via terminal).

(1 edit)

Okay, I'll play around with it and see what happens. Thank you for your help!!

I'm not sure what I did but it works now! XD


We are glad to hear that!!


The visual novel is an absolute masterpiece in every way.


I was very excited to see a game based on Irish mythology and history, and the demo only made me more excited! It has an intriguing story hook and prologue, and I love the character designs (which includes canon non-binary characters, something that means a lot to me). I'm very much looking forward to reading more when it releases.


hate to be that girl, because right now, i feel stupid, but where do i look for the password? lmao. also, aífe. i love her. okay, that's all.

The password is in the game files after getting the letter.

If you need help getting the letter, in the chapter where you meet Aífe, make a different choice.

haaa, thank you, but i must be stupid. i have no idea what i'm looking for.

The letter is a picture in the game files that appears when you unlock it. The message that is circled is the password that you need to translate from Ogham (you just have to translate the letters). It is read from bottom to top. Here is the alphabet you can use to translate it:

(1 edit) (+1)

It sounds way too high tech for me. I keep seeing comments about passwords but I don't even get what it has to do with a visual novel.
Edit: Nvm found the files and it let me type after I opened the game another time, but I can't get the password right even with the code, not sure how I'm messing it up so badly :'( Oh well.


I'M IRISH !!! HOLY SHT IT'S SO COOL TO SEE SMTH LIKE THIS !!! so so hyped for the game to come out omg omg omg


I'm so excited for this game to fully come out! It took me like 30 minutes to figure out the password and this is already so interesting :)


Just gave it a play! I'm super excited to see what's to come! Well done!! <3


i loved the demo so much omg also the song that plays when the queen first sees the MC, it’s so beautiful :o what’s the name of the track???


Thank you! I believe this is the song you're thinking of:

I love it! Only, I'm curious as to what tools you have to use to decode the letter...

Thank you! There's no in-game tool to decode the letter, but the alphabet is Ogham (primitive Irish). If you search for it online, you should be able to find several sources to help translate the Ogham script!

how do you view the letter? I picked it up for the door but can not find any way to use it now that I am at the door

Ah, perhaps a closer look at the game files might help? ;)


Jesus Christ, I felt that ending deep in my heart. You've really done our Irish tales, both real and fantastical justice. I'm really looking forward to this getting funded, definitely sharing this with anyone I know who likes visual novels!


Thank you! <3 It means a lot to us to hear that we've done right by the stories.

obsessed with this game, but maybe u knew that already. <3


LIFE CHANGING. this is already my next obsession.  love love love it. also love flannan. this game cleared my skin, cured my depression, and paid my mortgage. can't wait for the full version :D


(Posting this here)
This demo was super rich and beautiful! I loved the lore, character designs, backgrounds, writing, and music :) the characters are super charming as well. Can't wait for the full game!
I would risk it all for Flan,,,


I could not figure out the password for the life of me so I just quit until they can find a way to make the password accessible 

If you want to work it out, you need to read the note given to you when you make a particular choice :)

(1 edit) (+5)

that's the problem you have no idea which choice it is to read the darn note... I'm over it but I hope the game does well this just isn't a game for people who don't like having to search around the internet for clues that's a bit much...


can we at least get a hint on which chapter this note is given? 

It's near the beginning, if you're nosy when in the outpost you should get it. But I agree with Honeyypott, this isn't super accessible.
I used the link posted above by the dev to decode and I still couldn't do it as I had to bounce between 4 different pages (letter, password, decoding site, and somewhere to type it initially). I had 2 different potential options as some letters has 2 different options (like y or h), and I still couldn't get it.
It began hurting my eyes and triggering migraine (I get chronic migraines so this is a risk any time I do anything, especially which involves going from light to dark screens regularly), so for me this genuinely isn't disabled accessible at this moment.
Maybe in the future there'll be another way to manage this.
I love puzzles but ones that require lots of faffing about between different pages where some are bright and some are dark is very difficult.

Just finished playing the demo and am so excited for the completed game! Will definitely be getting this once it fully comes out and am so excited! Thank you for the great game!

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Great game! The art is gorgeous and the story is so intriguing! The characters are so diverse and hot and I simply wanna try all their routes. The story itself is surrounded in an aura of mystery that I can't wait to uncover. I'm really looking forward to the finished game! Also, is the game gonna be on Steam?

Quick question tho, how do I decode the key to the door? I found the keys, just unsure how to use them?


We are glad to hear that you enjoyed the demo! You can indeed also get it and wishlist the full game on Steam here :)

As for your question about the door, in order to use the key, you must first decode it. We’ll tell you this: It is an actual, translatable alphabet/language, and if you poke around the interweb for a bit, you might even find the perfect online tools for the job ^^~

Deleted 189 days ago

What in the seven HELLS are you on about. Reading this gave me a seizure. Cut out the rambling and write like an adult!

i'm going to be real, i was incredibly drunk. i'm going to figure out how to delete comments and then do that. thanks for the reminder! i forgot this existed


Very interesting. Writing is superb. I adore the characters (THE KING THO, THE DIVERSITY!) The art is super pleasing. My only issue is I wish I could save and load on my own. I enjoy going back to certain moments and reliving them so it saddens me having an auto save and not being able to do that. 

you can! if you click "start" instead of "continue" and then click on the preface, then you can click any of the chapters you have unlocked and start playing from there :)


I wanna wait until the full version is out to play it, but judging from everything else this looks *so* up my alley. I LOVE the inclusion of non-binary LIs, and the flexibility of the MCs gender, it's something I wish I saw more in other games like this!

Also the fae theme looks so cool, I cannot wait to see the finished product! You bet I'm going to be jumping on that Kickstarter.

All I ask is that if you can't finish production, please let us know. I've seen too many projects go dormant with no word. I'd rather just rip the bandaid off then keep checking the page hoping for an update. (And I would def do that with this project)

I wish you health, happiness, creative juices, and enough breaks to not get burnout! <3


I loved the password hunt and other easter eggs hidden in the demo. I learned something new and cool too! :D

Can't wait for the full game to be released!

Deleted 140 days ago

I don't want to ruin the team's fun by giving it away. But they have given some good hints if you have any experience with game theory/ easter egg hunting type stuff. Try all the options in the game then check your inventory. The inventory is in the game but not in the game. You can decode the password using online tools. (I think that's all of the hints I saw so far.) Good Luck !

╭( ・ㅂ・)و

I kept getting what looks like money but ther'es no game inventory for me to know what it was, or how much I had. I don't really get it. I saw an inventory file in the files but there was no money there.
Feels like a lot of easter eggs I don't get and it's like I'm not in on some shared joke or something lmao Oh well.
Pretty game still. I'd like to play more but will probs ignore the easter stuff if I can't find use for it.
I hope the password isn't needed in the future game.


Hello, I really liked the demo! Will the full version be paid?

Thank you, we are happy that you enjoyed the demo! And yes, the full game will be paid. For more details about the pricing and such, please follow us on our socials :)


I forgot this was a demo and felt my heart drop when it finished! So excited for the full release :))


A very enchanting game! I absolutely adore Flannen!! Also the door was a nice little touch! Can't wait for the full game :))

this was awesome! I'm totally invested in the plot and the story and I'm super excited to see how everything shapes up! amazing work <3 

I had so much fun playing!! Everything looks amazing and i loved that i could move my mouse and look around as it were :) Im super curious how the story will continue and learn more about the characters. Can't wait for the full game to be released.


i love it!! i'm curious though, what's the password in the end?


Ah, we can't possibly tell you that, can we? So how about a hint or two :)

Have you exhausted all possible options? Could it be that the key to the secret is hiding behind one of the choices you might have missed? Where is even the inventory?

Still no clue? Hmm, well, we sure hope no one will pop open the game files for that.


I love it so much, does the full version have a release date already?

Thank you, we are glad you love it! Please follow our social media to learn more about our upcoming Kickstarter, which will include projected release dates:

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