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(2 edits) (-1)

Wanted to try the demo, but I got stuck at the character creation screen with which I have a couple issues.

1. I found the whole name/nickname part confusing. I would've liked a bit more explanation as to what the two different names are. Like I get nickname is what we'll be referred to, but what does that make the name, our full name? True name? 

Like if my character goes by their full name, should I put that as the name and just leave nickname blank? Should I put that as nickname and put something else for the name. I would've assumed the former, but the fact you can leave it to be a mystery made me think it's not just your character's given name. (This is why I got stuck there, as I wasn't sure what to put in.)

2. I didn't find the buttons to change the MC avatar very intuitive. They didn't really stick out as buttons and just kind of blended into the rest of the mirror.

3. In the event that none of the sprites match your MC, it would be nice to have an option to just like disable the sprite for the MC/Doanna or like have a 4th generic sprite that's like cloaked or obscured by shadows so you can't make out features.

Also speaking of the MC/Doanna sprites. Out of curiosity are those three 100% going to be the only ones available, or is there the possibility of more in the future assuming time/budget allows?


Hello, thank you for your questions!

1. True names, in many fairy stories, refers to a person's full / real name. It is generally advised to avoid 'giving away' your true name to the fairies, hence players are prompted to either accept a default true name or make their own, along with a nickname, which is what the MC will be (eventually) referred to by the cast, etc. Ergo, if your true name is Samantha, your nickname could be Sam (or something entirely different from the true name - obscuring one's true name as much as possible is often advised 😉).

2. Would making the arrows different colours help with this?

3. We'll make a note of this, but can make no guarantees. In the original demo we only had one sprite option, and our Kickstarter fell short of the full customization goal, so financially additional sprites are off the table at this point. Regardless, these sprites only functionally appear when Daonna appears, so players are free to imagine any number of differences between their MCs and Daonna, such as variations in hair length, style, etc.

(1 edit) (-1)

1. Okay so if I want my character to be referred to by their full name I should put that as both? (whether or not that's advisable)

2. That might help, I'm not really a graphic designer or anything so I don't really know what exactly would help it pop. I just know it felt like, that they blended into the mirror a bit too much, to the point where if I'd not known you could change it going in, I might have completely missed they were clickable.

3. There's another game on itch, Infinite Stars, that has Patreon tier where one of the rewards is getting to commission a player avatar for the game. Have you considered something like that as a way to add more character appearance options?

  1. Yes - if you want your MC to be referred to by their full name in the routes, you would input it as a nickname. It is worth noting that for Vol. 1, your MC will be mistaken for Daonna/called Daonna.
  2. We will make a note of that.
  3. This is unlikely. We know from our Kickstarter that custom MCs take a considerable amount of time to create, so we realistically wouldn't be able to balance custom MCs along with game updates, which are our priority.
(1 edit)

Thanks for the answers. And thats fair with the custom MCs. Sorry if it seems like I'm getting hung up on that. It's just like that while, having given the demo at this point I do really like it, the whole concept of everyone confusing the MC for Doanna does kind of break down for me a bit when you have to give them an image that very much doesn't match the image of the MC in my head. Which is why I initially suggested an option for no avatar or a featureless one. Anyway that's my thoughts on the matter, thanks for taking the time to respond.


It would be nice if it were available for Android as well.


Sameeee. None of the good games are ever available for my poor phone 😭😭😭


bookmarked this game a while ago, and checked back in on this to see the demo had been updated so I finally gave it a try and wow!! I love the wide range of the LIs in terms of personality, and I loved stopping to click on new words/terms to read about them as new ones came up. admittedly my head began to swim as I neared the end of the demo with all the new info I was processing but lmao I still loved it !! very excited to hear two routes will be released really soon. 

quick question, and totally understandable if it's not answerable at the moment, but how much will the game in its entirety cost? will you have to pay to access Shae and Maeve's routes, and so on and so forth with the release of the next two routes and the two after that? basically just wondering how that'll work! again lovely game, amazing worldbuilding, and genuinely engaging love interests. <3


Thank you! :D What we can tell you right now is that you'll only need to pay for the *main game once: If you pay for NDM on Steam, all future updates will be automatic, and if you pay on Itch, you'll be notified about new patches/downloads as they become available. That said! Given the game won't be finished for a while, we want to make sure the price reflects the amount of content available, ergo the overall price will be lower the earlier you choose to buy the game.

*We will be releasing optional side stories/DLCs between main game updates, which will need to be bought separately. These side stories will not be necessary for understanding the broader game though, and simply act as extra content.

late on the response sorry!! but that answers my question perfectly! can't wait for the main game to begin releasing.


Just finished the demo and really loved it. Great job guys! I will definitely add the game to my collection and keep an eye out for the first two routes you'll release. May I ask, if it isn't meant to be a surprise, who's route will be out first? Thank you!

Not a secret at all: Shae and Maeve (part 1 - ~100k words total) will be out first this fall! ;D Thanks for playing!

Hello! Every time I go to open the demo it tells me the operation failed due to potential viruses. At first I thought this might have been a me issue but all my other game applications open fine.

That's very odd! The only suggestions we can make is to either whitelist us in your virus scanner or download the game on Steam instead: 

Another option is downloading the itch app launcher ( and downloading our game that way!

Hi ! Steam gave me a similar message about the operation failing due to a virus so :? unfortunate bust. I tried and received this

Hmm, strange. That said: We will need to see a glimpse at that "details for nerds" bit in your screenshot to potentially troubleshoot the issue, and we need to know your OS as well.

hey sorry it took me a while! I'm operating under a 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor (I had to look up how to find this out ._.) still am not sure whats going on

I'm so excited for the update, I can't wait to play! Unfortunately, on the character creation, I accidentally clicked 'Feed My Pronouns to Robin' and I am unable to get them back across all platforms of the game (Steam and It says 'it is no longer mine to use' and in order to reclaim it in need H$ 3 and I only have H$ 0. Does anyone know how I can fix this?? 


Ah, you fell for the classic blunder! Accidentally feeding Robin your pronouns... Happens all the time!

Fortunately, there is a quick fix that doesn't involve farming for horse coins early game.  After saving your profile (which only needs a nickname to continue), exit the character creator to the main menu (the bookshelf). From there, click the gear icon at the top right (which goes to the settings/preferences menu) and scroll to the bottom. Select "Reset Profile" and Robin will return your pronouns, albeit slightly damp.


I really like the game; the concept, the artwork, the story! I'm looking forward to seeing more it. 

The menu screen is a bit confusing. When first getting past the splash screen, I was thrown into the character creator, but it wasn't immediately clear what to do when I was finished there. At first I didn't realize how to even get out of that screen. Then I didn't know what to click on once I was in the bookcase selection screen. I think that it would be beneficial to make the volume numbers on the spines bigger, or have it otherwise more obvious which book to click on to start. The rest of the interface could use more focus-states, in my opinion. 

Thank you for keeping in the rollback option enabled. It's an accessibility issue for some and just a nice quality-of-life thing for others. In that vein, I don't quite understand why the option to remove at-will saving and loading was made. It's probably the most annoying thing for me, personally. 

Just some thoughts. It's a beautiful game!

Thank you for your feedback! Regarding the menu screens, would implementing tutorial pop-ups assist with navigation for first-time players? e.g. A pop-up after the splash screen saying something to the effect of, "Name the Éireannach (Irishman) and select preferred pronouns to continue" and another in the bookshelf menu highlighting Vol. 1 as the starting point of the game, etc?

Regarding at-will saving: We generally felt our chapters were of a short enough length that automatic saving after a chapter ends would be sufficient, but we will make a note of this feedback from an accessibility perspective. Implementing at-will saving is not something we could do immediately, though, as it would involve creating another menu and incorporating it into our current interface in a sensible way.

I think tutorial pop-ups for the main menu bookshelf would be great! For the character creator, I did all those - named the Éireannach, chose my pronouns, and clicked save. I remained on that screen. I tried a bunch of keys/clicks (I think right click worked) to get to the main menu. Maybe a 'Continue' or 'Finished' button near the 'Save' button on that screen would work?

Thank you for considering at-will saving! <3


Ah! The exit button for the character creator menu is the "x" in the inkwell's bottle cap at the top left, actually.

D: I completely missed it! 

This looks so good but for some reason isn't opening on my mac... downloaded and unzipped the file, and given permission in settings for it to be opened but every time I click on it it just automatically closes :(

We're sorry to hear you're having issues with the mac version! We're looking into the problem and will let you know when we have a solution. Would you be comfortable sharing what your mac OS is? 

Also: Have you tried downloading the app / launching it through Steam? In our trials we were able to launch the game through Steam on a Sonoma 14.5 OS. If Steam is an option for you, our page is here:

Hi, thank you!! My mac OS is Big Sur 11.1. In the meantime, I'll definitely download on Steam so I can play :)

Great, glad to hear Steam worked! Since our last post, we also managed to come up with a few more solutions, so in case someone else is reading this and looking for help we're going to link it here:

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